Tips - 10 Hidden functions on your computer that you should know - TUTOMANIA ONLINE

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Tips - 10 Hidden functions on your computer that you should know

  Tips - 10 Hidden functions on your computer that you should know
It is the subject that I would like to share with the group. I am sure that many of us use our computer every day and we have never realized these 10 hidden tricks that can be very useful. All these are explained in the video and they mark the keys to press.

Tips - 10 Funciones ocultas en tu ordenador que deberias conocer
Es el tema que quisiera compartir con el grupo. Estoy seguro que muchos de nosotros usamos a diario nuestro ordenador y nunca nos hemos dado cuenta de estos 10 trucos ocultos que pueden ser de mucha utilidad. Todos estos se explican en el video y marcan las teclas a presionar.