How to make money with Google Adsense 2019 - TUTOMANIA ONLINE

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How to make money with Google Adsense 2019

Google AdSense is one of the most famous and lucrative advertising programs on the internet and it is an excellent way to start earning our first income online. As we know, Google is the most powerful search engine on the internet today, and its search service allows us to earn money by placing your text ads and banners on our blogs and websites.

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How to make money with Google Adsense

As in this blog I like to talk about how to make money with Google (YouTube, Blogger, micronichos, etc) today we are going to focus on its advertising program: Google Adsense. What makes the Google Adsense advertising program interesting is that the ads shown on our sites are related to their content. In this way readers only see ads that are in correlation with what they are reading.

Why make money with Google Adsense? Very simple:

- It's easy to join your program. So simple, you just need to register and get the code to display your ads.

- Easy to install on your website. In fact, you do not have to install anything. You just have to copy and paste the code of the ads and you're done.

- Does not require any additional work. You do not need to go looking for advertisers. Google does all the hard work for you and you just need to have space for the ads on your website or blog.

- Relevant ads. You do not need to manually choose the ads that best suit your content. Google does that automatically.

- It is made for beginners. The Google Adsense program is made for beginners. It has a simple interface and you do not need to have any knowledge to start making money with Google Adsense.

- All the information you need. Google gives you all the information related to your site and your earnings. From impressions, clicks, and profits.

- You only need an account. With an account you can get ads for all your web pages and blogs.

 Requirements to earn money with Google Adsense

Ganar $ con Google Adense 

Like everything, there are certain very important aspects that you have to take into account to get money with Google. These are:

- Your website must have a large amount of traffic, since the real income with Adsense is only achieved with large volumes of traffic. This is because Adsense pays for each click you generate, so it really is very low (depending on the subject and the CPC), therefore you will have many visits to generate many clicks.

- The content must be original and not copied. If copied content is detected, or of poor quality, you run the risk of being banned and losing all your income. Your articles must be 100% original, so avoid plagiarism.

- Always select potentially lucrative topics. This is because Adsense advertising is "contextual", that is, advertisements that are in line with the contents of which you speak will appear.

Example: If your site talks about mortgages, then mortgages and loans will appear, if you talk about shoes you will have shoe advertising, and so on. Within the different topics that you can talk about, some topics are more lucrative than others. For example, a blog about "lose weight" will have more profits from a blog about "mineral collection". This is because there are more advertisers in the niche of losing weight than in the niche of minerals.

  1. You must respect their policies. To start earning money with Google, and start displaying ads on your website, you must comply with the terms and policies of Adsense. Not all the themes are accepted. So I recommend you see which ones and which ones do not. You can see them below: Google Adsense Policies
  2. Do not put too many banners. Adsense can also ban you if you abuse banners. Do not turn your website into an ad machine or risk being banned.
Also, you must take into account that the CPC (Pay-Per-Click) or pay per click may vary depending on the theme and the advertisers available. In fact, there are some themes that, in comparison with others, provide much higher income. But, in general, Adsense ads that earn more money generate are, surely, those that belong to these niches: health, insurance, mortgages, and welfare.

Why? For the simple reason that Google has many advertisers who are willing to pay a lot of money for advertising within these niche. For example, if you search for "mortgage" on Google, you will notice that there are many successful sponsored ads at the top. On the other hand, if you look for example "poetry", you will see that there are very few advertisers (or even null).

This means that the cost to the advertiser increases considerably if you want it to be shown on the first page and in the first places. If you have a site that talks about a popular topic, it is very likely that your ads will have a decent performance.

In addition to this, it is essential that you generate traffic relevant to your topic (and announcements). A good (or excellent I would say) conversion rate would be one click for every 100 visitors to your site, that is, a 1% conversion. Do not believe someone who says he has more than that because it is very likely that he is not telling the truth!

 How much money can be earned with Google Adsense?
win with Google Adsense
To understand it better let's give an example: with a site that receives 100,000 visits per month, you can get around 1000 clicks and, if the theme of your site is in popular niche, then you would earn at least € 500 per month.
The problem is that having a large number of very competitive niche visits is not easy! In this case, a good option would be to go for micronichos not very competitive, where we can find keywords with good CPC and low competition.

Another possibility of Google Adsense is that you can customize the ads, so that they conform as possible to the graphics and style of your site. You can change the background, the color of the text, etc.

This serves to add a touch of professionalism to the ads, and make it clear to the reader that this ad could enrich your browsing experience and that you could benefit from it if you click.

Another possibility that must always be taken into account is that you can enter a list of alternative ads, in case there are no advertisers for that topic you have chosen. In this way, you can create customized ads (either from your own products or from other companies) and place them on that particular page.

3 steps to start making money with Google Adsense

  1. The first step to start earning money with Google Adsense is to create an account.You can register here
  2.  Once you have created your account, you must create the ads. This is where you choose the ads you want to create, sizes, colors, etc.
  3. The third and final step is to place the ads on your website. 

 How to avoid common mistakes

 Every day I receive emails from blog readers who tell me that they can not generate profits with their blogs or web pages. And whenever I ask them what they have monetized with, most respond to Google Adsense. Personally I have been working with Adsense for several years, I have created an infinity of microniches and blogs and although I did not have luck at the beginning, I have always managed to benefit them.

 5 errors in Google Adense

However, like every rookie, I have made many mistakes that I could have avoided from the start. These same mistakes are the ones that most people who want to start working with Google Adsense say. Many of the blogs and web pages that I enter always see the same mistakes. These mistakes can literally cost you money. For that reason, I have decided to create this article in which I compile some of the most frequent mistakes that newcomers usually make. Avoiding these errors will help you increase your profits and protect your account.

These errors are: 

Do not read the Google Adsense rules

The first mistake is, without doubt, the most frequent and the one that brings the most problems to many. If you are going to work with Google Adsense, you should know that you have to comply with your gifts. Not doing this, implies the permanent banning of your account.

The first step to start working with Google Adsense is to know its rules. Your website or blog must obey a set of rules before you start displaying Google Adsense ads. Take 5 minutes and read these rules carefully to avoid future problems.

Not having a defined theme in your blog

This is one of the most frequent mistakes that newcomers usually make. This error consists of creating a general blog, which talks about all the topics, instead of creating a blog focused on a specific niche. Create a blog or generalist portal, it brings you two problems. In the first place, you will never be seen as an expert in a particular industry, and in the second place it will be more difficult for you to position your blog in Google, and therefore get traffic.

Therefore, if you are going to monetize your blog with Google Adsense, make sure it has a defined theme. For this the best are micronichos or multinichos, since they focus on a specific problem and in this way Adsense will show ads relevant to the content of your blog.

In my new guide, I talk about exactly how to find a micronicho that converts well with Google Adsense and how to position it in Google.

Not knowing how to place ads (and do not do tests)

Ad placement is one of the most important keys to making money with Google Adsense. A few well-placed ads can result in a CTR with little traffic. If you do not place the ads in the most visible parts of your website, they will not receive clicks.

Depending on the type of website you are driving (a blog, a forum, a microniche, etc), you should place the ads in certain areas. As you can see in this image, the darkest areas are the best converters. The key is not to fix or copy other websites, but to test on your own website. See which areas have more CTR and which have less.

Play with the format and colors of the ads until you find what works and what does not.

Do not use ads in link format

Are you using ads with links? People do not use these types of ads because they do not like what they look like, but these types of links are the ad unit with the most CTR that Google Adsense offers. If you place this type of links just below the navigation bar of your website, it will appear to be part of it.

Here is an example:

Do not use the Google Adsense tracking panel

Google Adsense puts at your disposal all kinds of data, panels, reports and statistics that help us know the performance of the ads. A common mistake that newcomers make is to place the ads on their website, and not make any kind of tracking of these ads. Many of them only enter the panel to see how much money they have earned today and very few actually test and improve their ads.

Adsense allows you to create tracking criteria, and tracking criteria for particular URLs. These options allow you to follow the performance of each special page or ad that you have set up. Thus, when you access the income panel, you can also see how much money each specific ad has generated, and each format.
And these are some of the most common mistakes that are usually made when it comes to monetizing a website with Adsense.

More effective ways to earn money using adsense

In a past article I explained step by step how to earn money with Adsense. Today he wants to talk about some tricks that I have learned over the years working with this advertising program and that will help you earn more money.

Here they go:

7 Tips to earn more money with Adsense


Choose a good niche

Not in all the niches it is possible to make money with Google Adsense. The best niches are those that have a large number of searches (the more the better), since in these niches is where there is competition among advertisers. The more competition among advertisers, the more money you will get.

Also, because Google Adsense pays you for the number of clicks the ads receive, the more views your blog has, the more clicks and more money you'll take.

Produce relevant content

Once you have chosen a good niche market, you need to produce relevant content. This is essential to attract visitors to your website and generate thousands of clicks.

The relevance of the content is defined by the public and can be combined in different formats, such as text, images, audio, videos and presentations. You can create the content yourself or commission it to an editor.

Get traffic

In Google Adsense, what is in charge is traffic. Once the relevant content is produced, it is time to start getting traffic. This way you will start receiving clicks and earnings from your blog.
The main ways to attract visitors are organic searches (from Google, Bing and Yahoo!), social networks (especially Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and other blogs.

Select the types of ads

Google Adsense has different types of ads, such as banners, links and searches. The banners can be graphics, or blocks of text. "Search" ads allow you to integrate a Google search engine into your blog and you're paid for the clicks received on ads for this search.

On the other hand, there are different dimensions. To obtain the best results, it is important to use recommended formats, since they are the most used by advertisers.

Place ads in the right places

After you've defined the types of ads, it's time to place them on your site. They can be placed in the top, bottom or sidebar of the blog, as well as in the top or bottom of the posts.

In general, the ads in the posts have higher percentages of clicks than in other places, but it is better to do your tests for yourself and see which areas have higher CTR.

Reduce fees when charging

Another important decision regarding Google Adsense is the way you will receive your money. In this sense, it is necessary to pay attention to taxes, as well as banks. This varies according to the countries.

As for banks, the options vary according to tariffs and taxes. There are financial institutions that are familiar with this mode of reception.

Optimize campaigns

Once with the campaigns in progress, it is important to follow the Google Adsense reports.
Doing this analysis, can help you when testing the types and sizes of ads, as well as your position in the blog. Each audience has a different behavior on the Internet and with the optimization of your campaigns you can identify what works best for your blog.